
Structure Fire - Now Out 03/16/2024 INC#0243

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0243; 03:38AM; 837 S Kingsley Dr;; #Koreatown; LAFD responded to a 2-story vacant craftsman home to find a detached garage well involved. Crews worked quickly to extinguish the flames and minimize exposure the the vacant 2 story craftsman home and were able to scale back the remaining incoming companies. It took 28 firefighters 15 minutes to extinguish the fire.; A parked vehicle was damaged due to the high heat of the garage fire. Building and safety were notified; No reported injuries, fire is under investigation.; FS 29; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 BC5 CM20 CM22 E13 E210 E211 E226 E229 E26 E29 EM11 RA29 RA829 T10 T11 T26 T29; CH7; 12; Bert Fierro
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#1821

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1821; 10:37PM; 8345 N Broadacre Dr;; #Shadow Hills; LAFD firefighters battled and extinguished the stubborn fire in 19 minutes. The 1-story single family dwelling presented some difficulty with accessing the seat of the fire due to large amounts of personal property in the home. Firefighters made quick work in extinguishing the blaze with no reported injuries. Fire cause under investigation.;; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC12 BC14 E24 E260 E289 E77 E89 RA77 RA889 T60 T89; CH9; 17; Bert Fierro
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Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#1821

Structure Fire; INC#1821; 10:37PM; 8345 N Broadacre Dr;; #Shadow Hills; PRELIM: One-story single-family home with fire showing offensive mode; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC12 BC14 E24 E260 E289 E77 E89 RA77 RA889 T60 T89; CH9; 17; Bert Fierro
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Structure Fire - Now Out 03/15/2024 INC#1736

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1736; 09:42PM; 1210 E Sandison St;; Wilmington; A total of 32 LAFD firefighters took 14 minutes with a defensive approach to extinguish flames in a unit located on the second floor of a garden style apartment. Firefighters made a quick stop on the fire before it got out of hand. There were no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 BC4 E112 E248 E285 E36 E85 RA38 RA85 T48 T85; CH7; 13; Bert Fierro
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Automobile Fire 03/15/2024 INC#1707

Automobile Fire; INC#1707; 09:23PM; 1000 N Farragut Av;; #Wilmington; LAFD responded to a reported rubbish fire at 1000 N Farragut; Upon arrival found a mobile crane on fire with containers being exposed and additional resources were added to assist in extinguishing the large diesel crane. Firefighters protected the exposed containers and upon further investigation were found to be empty. Firefighters made quick work in the extinguishment of the mobile crane, no reports of injuries and or hazardous materials issues and the fire has been extinguished.; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E238 E38 E49 T38; CH7; 12; Bert Fierro
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Structure Fire - Now Out 03/15/2024 INC#1535

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1535; 07:34PM; 9010 N Tobias Av;; #Panorama City; Firefighters responded to a 3-story garden style apartment over parking with light smoke in the underground parking ;38 Firefighters extinguished a dumpster fire held in check by an activated fire sprinkler inside the trash chute; Crews will remain on-scene to assist occupants and conduct smoke removal for an unspecified amount of time; No reported injuries.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC12 E275 E290 E7 E75 E90 E98 RA90 RA97 T75 T90; CH9; 17; Bert Fierro
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#1234

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1234; 04:56PM; 4900 N Eagle Rock Bl;; #Eagle Rock; LAFD responded to a corrected address of 4900 block of Eagle Rock to find a 1-story vacant commercial building that had moderate smoke coming from the rear. It took 52 firefighters in an offensive interior fire attack with handlines just 23 minutes to fully extinguish flames at the core of a vacant single story commercial structure. An extensive and thorough search of the building was conducted for any occupants and found none in the building. No injuries reported and the cause is under investigation.; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM20 CM22 E12 E212 E220 E250 E44 E55 E56 EM11 RA12 RA55 RA844 SO1 T12 T20 T50; CH9; 12 13; Bert Fierro
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Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#1234

Structure Fire; INC#1234; 04:33PM; 4884 N Eagle Rock Bl;; #Eagle Rock; PRELIM: LAFD on scene of a one-story commercial building boarded up with moderate smoke showing. No exposures to any adjacent buildings. Firefighters are working to locate the seat of the fire while other crews conduct extensive forcible entry on the exterior which need to be opened for entry/exit needs.; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC2 E12 E212 E250 E44 E55 RA12 RA844 T12 T50; CH9; 12; Bert Fierro
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#0896

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0896; 01:20PM; 6553 N Farralone Av;; #Canoga Park; LAFD crews responded to a one story residential home with an outside fire that extended into the attic of the single-family home with attached garage. Firefighters worked diligently to protect the living area from any fire extension. It took 30 firefighters just 25 minutes to knock down the flames (KD time - 01:20 PM ). No reported injuries. Cause/loss TBD; FS 105; CH8; 12; Bert Fierro
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Structure Fire 03/15/2024 INC#0896

Structure Fire; INC#0896; 12:54PM; 6553 N Farralone Av;; #Canoga Park; PRELIM: One-story single-family home with outside fire extending into garage no life hazard. Property profile defensive mode.; FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC15 BC17 E105 E106 E296 E305 E72 E84 EM17 RA106 RA72 RA96 T105 T96; CH9; 12; Bert Fierro
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