Brush Fire 07/04/2018

Brush Fire; 09:25PM; 19000 W FOOTHILL BL;; Sylmar; Approximately 3 acres of medium to heavy brush moving uphill with no wind; Located approximately 1/4 mile north of Foothill Blvd on Sierra HWY; This location is in LACoFD; 65 LAFD Firefighters currently assigned to the incident; Contact LACoFD for further information at this time; LAFD Inc #1428; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; E91 RA91 E275 T75 E298 T98 E287 T87 T90 E290 E28 E8 E103 H0C H0D EM9 BC12 BC10 FR91 CW3A E98 H5 H6 H3 WT77 E18 ; CH: 5; 13; Amy Bastman
