Update Hazardous Materials 01/19/2023 INC#1556

Update Hazardous Materials; INC#1556; 09:35PM; 7320 W Hawthorn Av; https://bit.ly/3Xoo29t; Hollywood; The LAFD HazMat Squad is on scene assisting with the incident. A total of five units were evacuated with no occupants reporting any medical complaints. A large scale evacuation is not anticipated. The HVAC ducting is still producing high readings for carbon monoxide and it is turned off. The readings of hydrogen cyanide are decreasing but remain detectable in the most heavily affected corner of the building. However, as firefighters move away from those few units, the readings return to normal levels. ; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E21 E221 E227 E261 E27 E41 EA1 JT1 RA21 RA82 SQ21 T27 T61; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
