Update Investigation FINAL 09/19/2016

Update FINAL Investigation; 03:15PM; 11668 Sherman Wy; internal:/; North Hollywood; Situation determined stable; No specific hazard identified; Correction: Only 1 worker (building engineer?) examined and released at scene; Control of site returned to lab operator and (pursuant of protocol) LA County Health HazMat; NFD; Dispatched Units: E89 RA89 RA878 T75 E275 T87 E287 SQ87 E95 EM12 BC14 E86 RA875 EM14 RA87 UR88 T48 E248 E48 SQ48 RA848 RA102 SQ21 T87 E287 E260 T60 HU89 BC17 CM42; Brian Humphrey
