Cliff, Vehicle 04/13/2022 INC#0315

Cliff, Vehicle; INC#0315; 07:13AM; 2800 W Observatory Dr;; Griffith Park; One passenger vehicle is down the side of cliff, approximately 300' into the canyon. Park Rangers made their way to the vehicle and report one 68yo female patient, alert and talking (extent of injuries unknown at this time). Firefighters are on scene and making their way down with equipment, to assess the situation to determine the safest method of bringing the patient up to the road for treatment/transport as required. The 9-1-1 call was received at 6:49AM.; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E20 E220 E235 E35 E52 E56 EM5 HR3 RA35 RA56 RA6 RA835 T20 T35 UR27 UR88 H2 H3 RH114; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
