CONCLUDED - Earthquake Mode Complete 02/09/2024 INC#0964

CONCLUDED - Earthquake Mode Complete; INC#0964; 03:07PM; North of Malibu;; Santa Monica Mountains; The Los Angeles Fire Department has completed a citywide survey of critical infrastructure across the City of Los Angeles following a magnitude 4.6 earthquake that occurred at 1:47 PM PST today, centered in the Santa Monica Mountains north of Malibu, California, 38 miles west of downtown Los Angeles. No significant damage was identified and no serious injuries have been reported. Though additional earthquake activity cannot be predicted, firefighters remind you that when shaking starts: Drop, Cover, Hold On! Protect your head and neck while taking cover under sturdy furniture or near a sturdy interior wall, away from windows and doorways until the shaking stops. After you complete a final survey of your home and neighborhood for earthquake damage, and to confirm no one is injured, please take this time to examine and update your disaster supply kit and discuss your household and workplace disaster plans. Helpful information can be found right now at: https://READY.GOV
