Confined Space Rescue 08/24/2021 INC#0641

Confined Space Rescue; INC#0641; 11:18AM; 8900 N Topanga Canyon Bl;; Canoga Park; Firefighters established verbal contact with an individual in the storm drain who might also have a minor injury. Firefighters are currently removing drain covers to try to locate the individual and help them find their way out. Meanwhile, crews are preparing if further rescue efforts are required. ; FS 96; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC14 BC15 BC17 E106 E288 E289 E296 E88 EM15 HR3 RA106 RA88 RA96 T105 T88 T89 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
