Hiker Rescue 03/12/2022 INC#0913

Hiker Rescue; INC#0913; 01:43PM; 8401 W Mulholland Dr; https://bit.ly/3bXGNf4; #StudioCity; LAFD ground and air response to an adult female hiker who sustained an apparent ankle fracture in a ground level fall on or near the Fryman Canyon Trail. She is being treated and stabilized by first arriving LAFD ground crews who hiked to her location, and will soon be hoisted aboard a hovering LAFD rescue helicopter for continuing in-flight care during direct transport to an area hospital.; FS 97; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; AO1 BC14 E278 E89 H5 H6 HA5 HA6 RA97 RH114 T78; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
