Hiker Rescue 03/13/2022 INC#0502

Hiker Rescue; INC#0502; 09:56AM; Wonder View Trail; https://bit.ly/3vZs1OL; #HollywoodHills; LAFD ground and air response with Park Rangers to an adult male hiker with a severe head injury sustained in a fall on a narrow path near the Wonder View Trail. LAFD ground crews have hiked to the patient and are providing on-site medical care. A hovering LAFD rescue helicopter will soon hoist the patient aboard for in-flight care during immediate transport to a regional trauma center. ; FS 76; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 BC5 E260 E76 H0F H1 H5 HA1 HA5 RA76 RH114 T60; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
