KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire 04/24/2022 INC#1180

KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire; INC#1180; 04:56PM; 9505 W Hidden Valley Rd;; Beverly Crest; KNOCKDOWN: Firefighters contained and extinguished the fire in 48 minutes, holding it to 1/4 acre. No residences were damaged. Firefighters will remain on scene to conduct for about 2 hours to conducted mop up operations and ensure no hot spots remain. Beverley Hills Fire (BHFD) Engine 2 and BC1 are also on scene. There are no injuries reported. The downed powerlines remain an electrical hazard and LA Dept of Water and Power will handle and are the agency for any questions regarding power restoration (it is unknown how many may be affected at this time). No further details. ; FS 108; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
