KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/13/2024 INC#0280

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0280; 06:55AM; 4922 S Sycamore Dr;; DelRey; LAFD (with assistance from Culver City FD) battled flames in a fully-engulfed one-story single family home that appeared to be vacant. It took 37 LAFD firefighters 41 minutes to extinguish the flames, holding the fire to the unit-of-origin. After eliminating the blaze, two patients were found inside. One was transported in unknown condition, and sadly, another was deceased. PIO Captain Adam Van Gerpen is en route for media needs. ETA approximately 7:30am.; FS 62; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; AR1 BC4 BC9 CM40 CM42 E205 E292 E43 E462 E5 EM18 PI2 RA43 RA62 RA862 T5 T92; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
