KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/24/2024 INC#0627

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0627; 11:38AM; 13852 W Louvre St;; #Pacoima; Firefighters responded to a one-story home with smoke showing. Firefighters discovered an outside (cooking?) fire had extended into the home's attic. It took 36 firefighters 19 minutes to access, confine, and extinguish the flames. One adult female was evaluated for symptoms related to minor smoke inhalation, and declined hospital transport. No firefighter injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC15 E275 E75 E81 E87 E91 RA89 RA891 SO1 T75 T87; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
