KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/14/2022 INC#1805

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1805; 11:43PM; 233 S Av 52;; Highland Park; Firefighters found a one-story single-family home with heavy fire, and structures being threatened on three sides. Firefighters began a defensive attack (from the exterior only) and successfully defended all three adjacent structures. It took 30 firefighters 40 minutes to extinguish the flames. Sadly, one person was found inside and perished in the blaze. Age/gender/affiliation/circumstances unknown. Fire investigators, LAPD, and Coroner notified. Fire cause under active investigation.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AR1 BC2 E1 E12 E201 E212 E250 E44 RA12 RA844 T1 T12 T50; CH9; 13; Nicholas Prange
