KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/01/2022 INC#0157

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0157; 04:14AM; 17830 W Sherman Wy;; Reseda; Ninety-six firefighters battled flames in a three-story center-hallway apartment building, while assisting residents with evacuation and/or sheltering in place. It took 58 minutes to access, confine, and extinguish the fire. Firefighter-paramedics transported one patient to the hospital. The cause of the fire is under investigation. PIO Captain Cody Weireter en route, ETA 5:25am.; FS 100; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; AR1 AR11 BC10 BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 E100 E103 E27 E273 E287 E288 E289 E290 E293 E73 E90 E93 EA1 EM14 EM15 EM17 EM9 HR3 PI3 RA100 RA104 RA73 RA83 RA889 RA90 RA903 RA93 T73 T87 T88 T89 T90 T93 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Nicholas Prange
