KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/13/2022 INC#0984

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0984; 03:12PM; 553 N Virgil Av;; East Hollywood; KNOCKDOWN: 43 firefighters (prior to the arrival of the additionally requested resources) extinguished the fire in 12 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire was primarily contained to the porch and front of the house. A primary and secondary search found no occupants. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details. ; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC2 BC5 CM22 E11 E20 E211 E220 E227 E229 E27 E3 E52 E6 EM1 HR3 RA20 RA811 RA826 RA827 T11 T20 T27 T29 UR27 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
