KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/11/2022 INC#1141

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1141; 04:05PM; 119 S Av 63;; #HighlandPark; Despite a partial roof collapse, 50 LAFD firefighters managed to extinguish the flames in the two-story multi-family residential structure in 38 minutes, without injury, as they navigated construction processes and scaffolding. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR1 BC1 BC11 BC2 CM22 E12 E20 E201 E202 E212 E47 E55 EA1 EM1 RA12 RA2 RA47 RA801 T1 T12 T2; CH7; 13 14; Nicholas Prange
