Structure Fire 02/27/2022 INC#1627

Structure Fire; INC#1627; 08:41PM; 334 S Main St;; Downtown; Six story, (pre-1943) building with fire on the 1st and 2nd floor. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC5 CM22 E10 E11 E203 E209 E210 E211 E220 E227 E27 E3 E4 E9 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA11 RA2 RA27 RA3 SQ21 T10 T11 T20 T27 T3 T9 UR27; CH9; 13 15; Margaret Stewart
