Structure Fire 02/28/2022 INC#0286

Structure Fire; INC#0286; 05:39AM; 5420 N Nagle Av;; Sherman Oaks; Large, two story home with fire through the roof and partial roof collapse. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. It appears the home is under renovation and is not occupied at the time. Additional resources were requested. No other structures are exposed. No injuries reported. This incident is at the Greater Alarm status.; FS 102; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 BC12 BC14 CM42 E102 E239 E260 E278 E288 E289 E298 E39 E88 E99 EM17 HR3 RA102 RA878 RA889 T39 T60 T78 T88 T89 T98 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
