Traffic Collision 01/31/2018

Traffic Collision; 08:26PM; NB 405 Fwy transition to WB 10 Fwy; internal:/; #RanchoPark; PRELIM: 3 vehicle collision involving an unoccupied (driver only) school bus, a commercially operated (not LAFD) ambulance and a civilian sedan; A total of 5 persons have been medically evaluated at scene; The private ambulance reportedly overturned, yielding 4 patients, all of who exited that vehicle; No extrication was required; None of the four from the private ambulance have life threat injury, but their conditions are not specified; Thusfar, those four (unk age/gender/affiliation or circumstances) from the private ambulance are the only persons requiring/desirous of hospital transport by LAFD ambulance; Media Inquiries = CHP Log #3561; FS 62; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: E37 E62 RA62 E263 T63 T37 E237 RA43 RA59 RA92 EM9 EM14 BC4 ; CH: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
