Traffic-related Water Rescue 02/04/2024 INC#1229

Traffic-related Water Rescue; INC#1229; 06:22PM; 19000 W Oxnard St;; #Tarzana; Several vehicles are disabled in 2-3 feet of water at the intersection of Oxnard St and Donna Ave (and flooding extending between Wilbur and Tampa). No reported injuries, and thankfully the vehicle occupants have remained in their vehicles and not risked going out into the deep water with unpredictable terrain and currents below the surface. LAFD Swiftwater Teams are preparing to send a watercraft out to the vehicles to bring the occupants to safety. ROAD CLOSURE: Due to the flooding, Oxnard will be closed between Wilbur and Tampa. This may result in wider impacts to the immediate area for commuters. Please seek alternate routes and do not attempt to cross flooded roadways. ; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; E293 SC1 SW88 T93; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
