Update Hazardous Condition 02/24/2024 INC#1115

Update Hazardous Condition; INC#1115; 07:00PM; 1445 N Bundy Dr; https://bit.ly/3SPWCrR; #Brentwood; Fire crews have now left the incident. Building and Safety performed an initial assessment and will be sending out a specialist within 48 hours for an additional slope assessment. Responders on scene were in close communication with residents, explaining the situation and findings. No official evacuation order was given. No reported injuries. Additional questions are referred to LA Department of Building and Safety. Nothing further.; FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC9 CM20 CM22 CM40 CM42 E19 E37 UR88; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
