Update Hazardous Materials 07/29/2021 INC#0392

Update Hazardous Materials; INC#0392; 10:39AM; 9227 N Tujunga Av; https://bit.ly/3BXOY5M; Sun Valley; LAFD HazMat Team 1 made entry into the facility and did not detect any hazardous materials. Team 2 is confirming their findings at this time. 49 people were evacuated with 15 of those having been in the room of the suspected exposure. Contrary to initial reports, none of those 15 had any contaminants absorbed into their clothing. None of them had any medical complaints and none will be transported to the hospital. Once Team 2 confirms the 'all clear', the facility will be reopened and LAFD will clear the scene. There will be no further updates. No further details.; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 E21 E221 E275 E287 E474 E87 E95 E98 EA1 EM14 EM15 HM75 JT2 JT3 JT4 RA87 RA874 RA89 RA98 SQ21 SQ87 T21 T75 T87; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
