Update Traffic Collision 05/05/2024 INC#1265

Update Traffic Collision; INC#1265; 06:25PM; 20900 W Saticoy St; https://bit.ly/3QsjSf5; #Winnetka; Firefighters responded to a 3-vehicle collision with no entrapment. Seven people were assessed by firefighters and paramedics on scene. One 17-year-old female refused transport. The other six patients were transported to area hospitals in good-to-fair condition, all with minor injuries. The ages and genders of those transported are: 18-month-old male, 34F, 25M, 12M, 14F, and 17F. Nothing further.; FS 72; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC17 E72 EM15 EM17 RA104 RA72 RA828 RA896; CH8; 13 18; Nicholas Prange
