Update Traffic Collision 08/30/2017

Update Traffic Collision; 01:30AM; 958 S Broadway St; internal:/; Compact SUV with 1 F driver only collided with Metro transit bus with 6 aboard (1 F bus operator and 5 unk gender passengers), causing bus to strike/topple street light, before coming to rest on sidewalk; No injuries were considered life threatening; 2 patients, including SUV driver were in serious condition, while the 5 others were in fair condition; Media Inquiries: LAPD Incident #182 and Metro; NFD (No Further Details); Dispatched Units: E210 E10 T10 RA10 RA9 RA209 RA3 EM1 EM13 BC1 RA810 RA900 RA809 E9 T9 RA803; - Brian Humphrey
