Prioritizing electrical safety is a crucial step in safeguarding your home and loved ones from the devastating impact of a fire. Taking simple precautions with electrical devices and adhering to the safety guidelines below, can prevent a tragic fire:

  • Have all electrical work performed by a qualified electrician to ensure it meets necessary safety standards.
  • When buying or remodeling a home, have it inspected by a qualified private inspector or in accordance with local requirements to identify and address potential electrical issues.
  • Use only one heat-producing appliance (e.g., coffee maker, toaster, space heater) plugged into a receptacle outlet at a time to prevent overload.
  • Major appliances like refrigerators, dryers, washers, stoves, etc., should be directly plugged into a wall receptacle outlet. Never use extension cords or plug strips for these appliances.
  • Extension cords are for temporary use only. Never run electrical cords across doorways or under carpets. Ensure cords are visible and not damaged.
  • Contact a qualified electrician or your landlord if you experience:
    • Frequent problems with blown fuses or tripping circuit breakers.
    • A tingling sensation when touching an electrical appliance.
    • Discolored or warm wall outlets.
    • A burning or rubbery smell emanating from an appliance.
    • Flickering or dimming lights.
    • Sparks coming from an outlet.
