Brush Fire 05/21/2021 INC#1116

Brush Fire; INC#1116; 04:54PM; NB 110 Fwy x Stadium Way;; Elysian Park; LAFD ground and air response to one-half (0.50) acre medium to heavy brush burning adjacent to the northbound lanes of the Arroyo Seco Parkway, near the tunnel just north of Stadium Way. No infrastructure or residential threat and no evacuation at this time. This fire is nearby but separate from the still-active #BroadwayFire (LAFD Incident #1073); FS 4; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC13 BC2 E11 E13 E14 E17 E211 E6 EM11 H0B H0F RA4 T11 T9 ; CH9; Brian Humphrey
