Brush Fire 05/27/2020 INC#0919

Brush Fire; INC#0919; 04:47PM; 9469 N El Dorado Av; internal:/; Sun Valley; One-quarter acre brush fire in light fuel approaching high tension power lines and a commercial occupancy. Due to slow rate of spread, the brush assignment has been cancelled and the first 8 firefighters, one water tender, and first battalion chief will handle. Nothing further; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 BC14 E289 E290 E298 E60 E7 E77 E81 E98 EM14 H0D HA4 RA77 RA90 T89 T90 T98 WT77; CH8; 13; -Nicholas Prange
