Brush Fire 08/25/2020 INC#0759

Brush Fire; INC#0759; 01:39PM; 2762 W Broadway;; Eagle Rock; PRELIM: A traffic collision with auto fire extended into the brush. Wind carried embers, causing the fire to "jump" over Broadway to the north. This incident was modified to a full brush response. Glendale FD responding with automatic aid; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC14 BC5 CW3A CW3B E1 E12 E201 E212 E220 E250 E290 E44 E55 E90 EM2 H2 H3 H4 H6 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA6 RA55 T1 T12 T20 T50 T90; CH5; 12; -Nicholas Prange
