Brush Fire 10/31/2023 INC#1899

Brush Fire; INC#1899; 10:45PM; 100 N Temescal Canyon Rd;; Pacific Palisades; Approximately 1/4 acre of light to medium brush with no wind (topography driven). There is potential for structures to be threatened in the Pacific Palisades Bowl Mobile Estates (Samoa Way) however firefighters are making good progress and there are no evacuations in place at this time. ; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; AO1 AO2 BC17 BC4 BC9 CM40 CM42 E19 E23 E237 E263 E269 E290 E292 E58 E59 E62 E63 E69 E71 E94 EM9 H0A H0D H1 H4 H7 HA1 HA4 HA7 RA23 T37 T63 T69 T90 T92 WT88; CH5; 15; Margaret Stewart
