Chemical Investigation 06/15/2021 INC#0743

Chemical Investigation; INC#0743; 01:09PM; 18439 W Ventura Bl;; Tarzana; **Corrected incident number: 0846** The employees and patrons of a grocery store have been asked to move outside the store into the open air, out of an abundance of caution, as firefighters investigate what appears to be a ruptured refrigeration line that allowed a small amount of residual vapor to escape from the system in a back room of the store. LAFD has cut power to the store for safety while working around the equipment, while investigation and store ventilation efforts are underway. There is no widespread hazard or any need for further evacuation in the surrounding areas, and there were no injuries or medical complaints.; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; T93 E93 E293 RA93 E83 RA83 T73 E273 E73 BC17 BC15 T87 E287 SQ87; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
