Civilian Fatality Structure Fire 02/09/2021 INC#0273

Civilian Fatality Structure Fire; INC#0273; 07:35AM; 2601 W King Bl;; Leimert Park; LAFD Firefighters discovered and quickly extinguished a contents fire within a 50' x 200' subdivided one-story commercial building in just 11 minutes (7:46 AM). As the fire was extinguished, they discovered a lifeless person within, who subsequently proved beyond medical help, and has been determined dead at scene. No information yet available on age / gender / body condition / affiliation / circumstances. No other injury reported. Fire cause under active investigation. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Cody Weireter is en route, ETA 8:30 AM.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 CM22 E226 E266 E294 E34 E46 E66 E94 EM11 RA834 RA894 RA94 T26 T66 T94; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
