Electrical Incident 07/10/2017

Electrical Incident; 04:50PM; 8901 N Eton Av; https://goo.gl/maps/FARP4rnnUR12; Canoga Park; Situation now static: Large portable generators were brought into this 111 space mobile home park to power transformers likely affected by the outage in Northridge. A fire in the generators was quickly held in check and resulted in minimal fire exposure to the immediately surrounding area. The fire took out the generators which then left the area without power. DOT brought in for numerous street lights out. Refer to LADWP for questions regarding total size/impact of power outage. LAFD is going door to door in the mobile home park to assess immediate needs (ie electrical medical equipment). There are no injuries and no active fire. LADWP is on scene assessing the situation. Any questions regarding the circumstances and future plans for power to the area = DWP media relations LAFD Inc#1161 No Further Details. ; FS 96; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; RA96 E104 E106 BC15 LF96; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
