Explosion 01/22/2020 INC#0752

Explosion; INC#0752; 12:59PM; 12224 W Montague St; http://bit.ly/38uGkfm; Pacoima; An electrical problem has sent one person to the hospital by LAFD ambulance and has a structure fire assignment staging at a safe distance awaiting DWP to shut down power. As soon as the electrical hazard is removed, firefighters will engage and work on fire suppression. Flames have been seen in the area. The extent of the fire is not yet fully known; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E275 E298 E77 E87 E91 E98 EM12 RA7 RA81 RA898 SQ87 T75 T98; CH8; 13; -Nicholas Prange
