Hazardous Materials 05/17/2021 INC#0772

Hazardous Materials; INC#0772; 12:53PM; 22235 W Sherman Wy; https://bit.ly/3tY64ei; Canoga Park; An athletic society gym reported a possible excess of chlorine used in the pool area. LAFD HazMat team is in the building evacuating occupants (out of an abundance of precaution) while additional HazMat members check the level of the chlorine in the pool area to ensure there is no hazard. There are no medical complaints and no patients at this time. ; FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC17 E275 E287 E305 E87 EM17 JT3 RA73 RA84 SQ87 T105 T75 T87; CH8; 13 17 18; Margaret Stewart
