Knockdown Structure Fire 01/08/2019 INC#0513

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0513; 10:41AM; 1800 N Morton Av; internal:/; Echo Park; 38 firefighters took 15 minutes to fully extinguish flames within a 1,330 square-foot 2-story 2-bedroom home (upstairs residence over parking - built 1963), that contained excessive personal storage; One (adult female?) occupant with unspecified illness or injury is declining offered ambulance transport; While several pets were reportedly rescued from the smoke-charged structure by firefighters, the life status of one or more animals remains in question; No other human injury; Fire cause/monetary loss to be determined; FS 20; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC1 BC11 E20 E203 E3 E6 EM1 RA13 RA20 RA6 RA803 T20 T3; - Brian Humphrey
