Knockdown Structure Fire 03/11/2019 INC#1166

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#1166; 05:02PM; 1330 N Gardner St;; Hollywood; First arriving 30 firefighters took just 14 minutes to confine flames within one 3rd (top) floor apartment in a 29 unit 27,635 square-foot (three occupied floors over parking) apartment building. built 1963; No human injury; Fire cause = under investigation; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 BC5 E227 E235 E27 E41 E61 RA41 RA861 T27 T35 RA61 EM14 and LACoFD E8 LF8; - Brian Humphrey
