Knockdown - Structure Fire 03/17/2021 INC#0333

Knockdown - Structure Fire; INC#0333; 08:33AM; 8357 S Vicksburg Av;; Westchester; Address *corrected* to 8357. Despite well entrenched flames and excessive personal storage greatly hampering their movement within the 1,742 square-foot one-story home, 43 LAFD Firefighters took just 31 minutes to confine and extinguish flames in the rear of the home and attic. No injury. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 5; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E263 E295 E43 E5 E94 RA5 RA95 T5 T63 T95; CH9; 12; Brian Humphrey
