MCI Traffic 10/28/2020 INC#1372

MCI Traffic; INC#1372; 06:49PM; 520 E Gage Av;; Florence; At least two vehicles were involved in a traffic collision, resulting in at least 7 people injured (3 in critical condition, 4 in fair condition). LAFD firefighter paramedics have set up a triage system to get the most critical patients to the hospital first. Additional companies are en route to meet the needs of all patients. None trapped, no fire. Unknown age/gender/circumstances.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC706 E221 E233 E443 E458 EM1 EM11 EM13 RA14 RA21 RA257 RA46 RA64 RA66 RA833 RA857 T21 T33; CH4; 12; Nicholas Prange
