Physical Rescue 11/24/2020 INC#0689

Physical Rescue; INC#0689; 12:24PM; 2909 N Cazador St;; Glassell Park; A collision involving an MTA bus and one vehicle caused one person to become trapped. Firefighters performing extrication have freed the patient, who was in fair condition. Firefighter-paramedics are assessing passengers on the bus (at least 5 requesting medical attention), but so far, thankfully, there are no signs of any serious injuries. LAPD Inc 2189.; FS 50; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC11 E20 E201 E235 E44 EM2 HR3 RA1 RA56 RA801 RA804 T1 T35; CH7; 14; Nicholas Prange
