Structure Fire 03/15/2019 INC#0262

Structure Fire; INC#0262; 06:00AM; 1848 W 20th St;; Pico-Union; 47 Firefighters extinguished a fire within a two-story 4-plex in just 34 minutes despite heavy flames; Fire involvement included both the first and second floor and fire within the common attic; Firefighters used a coordinated attack while protecting exposures and there are no reported civilian or firefighter injuries despite a partial roof collapse on the south side of the building; DWP/ DOT/ LADBS notified; Cause/ Loss TBD; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC11 BC18 E13 E15 E215 E226 E229 E26 E29 RA26 RA826 SQ21 T15 T26 T29; CH9; 13 14; Amy Bastman
