Structure Fire 04/10/2020 INC#1227

Structure Fire; INC#1227; 07:42PM; 2711 N Budau Av;; El Sereno; LAFD found a small single-family home with smoke coming from the front door. Firefighters pulled a hose line inside to quickly prevent a contents-only fire from spreading beyond one room of the 832 sq-ft home. A total of 26 firefighters extinguished the flames in 11 minutes. All occupants made it out. One member of the family will be checked out by firefighter/paramedics on scene. No other reported injuries. Cause/loss TBD; FS 16; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E16 E202 E212 E47 RA47 RA801 T12 T2; CH9; 13; -Nicholas Prange
