Structure Fire - Now Out 03/13/2021 INC#0126

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0126; 02:53AM; 217 S Av 54;; Highland Park; Two-story garden-style apartment building with fire showing from the second floor. Firefighters quickly put a stop to advancing flames, preventing the fire from spreading to additional units. It took 30 firefighters 17 minutes (3:10 AM) to extinguish the flames. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM22 E1 E12 E201 E212 E250 E44 E55 EM1 RA12 RA55 T1 T12 T50; CH9; 12; Nicholas Prange
