Structure Fire - NOW OUT 12/10/2023 INC#0533

Structure Fire - NOW OUT; INC#0533; 09:23AM; 3671 S Western Av;; Exposition Park; Four story, modern apartment building (three residential over parking) with light smoke showing. Firefighters located fire in one unit on the 3rd floor being held in check by sprinklers. The made entry and fully extinguished it in 16 minutes with no injuries reported. Crews are conducting salvage operations due to water flow from the sprinkler activation. 9-1-1 call received at 9:07AM. No further details.; FS 34; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC11 BC18 E215 E226 E26 E34 E94 RA15 RA866 T15 T26; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
