Traffic Collision 01/09/2017

Traffic Collision; 08:12AM; 7200 Shoup Av;; West Hills; No life threat injury following LAFD ambulance vs civilian compact vehicle during patient transport (active investigation - presently unk if light/siren needed or in use); F civilian driver declined transport for wrist discomfort; M LAFD Paramedic (unk if driver or attendant) sustained laceration to head, taken to hospital for treatment; Elder F patient originally being transported has arrived at her hospital of choice via another LAFD ambulance, with no evidence of harm from collision; LAPD Incident #932; NFD (No Further Details); FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; LAFD Units: RA105 BC17 E105 RA106 EM17 RA96; CH: 8; 10; Brian Humphrey
