Train vs Pedestrian - Fatality 03/10/2021 INC#0949

Train vs Pedestrian - Fatality; INC#0949; 02:59PM; 8100 N Woodley Av;; Van Nuys; An approximately 30-year-old female apparently walking on the tracks was struck by a Metrolink train. LAFD firefighter-paramedics found her in trauma-induced cardiac arrest. They attempted to resuscitate her for over 20 minutes, but ultimately her condition was irreversible and, sadly, she was determined dead on scene. Coroner responding. Metrolink train/tracks will be shut down at least two to three more hours. Nothing further. LAPD Inc # 2858.; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 E103 E290 E7 E81 E90 EM15 HR3 RA87 RA90 T90 UR88; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
