Update Brush Fire 04/21/2017

Update Brush Fire; 06:58PM; 11360 N ALETHEA DR; internal:/; Tujunga / Sunland; Update: 2 acres in medium brush, Access has been achieved with ground crews, Air operations performing water drops, Additional companies have been added, LACoFD assisting, LAPD Inc# 4334; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; E287 T87 T74 RA74 E24 E60 E98 T98 E298 E289 T89 E90 H0B H0E EM14 BC12 BC14 E89 CW3A H1 H3 WT88 H6 E42 E443 ; 5; 14; Amy Bastman
