Update Brush Fire 04/24/2018

Update Brush Fire; 12:02PM; 10130 W ROSCOE BL; internal:/; Sun Valley; 56 Firefighters remain on-scene of a brush fire with approximately 2.5 acres of area burned; LAFD air and ground resources quickly located and stopped the forward progression of the flames; Firefighters will remain on-scene for an unknown amount of time to extinguish all remaining hot spots and complete a final knockdown; LAFD Inc #698; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; E77 E89 E24 E60 T60 E98 RA98 E81 E90 H0E H0A EM12 BC12 BC5 H2 H5 E274 T74 EM10 ; Amy Bastman
