Update Brush Fire 05/15/2021 INC#1448

Update Brush Fire; INC#1448; 01:04AM; 1807 N Michael Ln; https://bit.ly/3yfAAUe; Pacific Palisades; LAFD has 72 firefighters on scene, with help from 4 LA County FD hand crews. The fire is approximately 10 acres in heavy brush and steep terrain, with no wind and wet/cool conditions. There are no structures immediately threatened. Crews are on standby in a local neighborhood for structure defense in case the conditions change unexpectedly. The fire is not advancing, but will be an extended process to extinguish because of the extremely remote location of the fire, where there are no road or hydrants in steep and rough terrain. Firefighter/PIO David Ortiz is on scene. LAFD Arson Investigators are on scene investigating.; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; AR1 BC17 BC9 CM42 E105 E19 E23 E237 E263 E269 E273 E290 E293 E305 E5 E63 E69 E73 E84 E88 E93 EM17 H1 H2 H5 HA1 HA2 HA5 HE1 PI2 RA23 T105 T37 T63 T69 T73 T90 T93; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
