Update Brush Fire 05/17/2022 INC#0993

Update Brush Fire; INC#0993; 03:25PM; 2675 N Nottingham Av; https://bit.ly/37U4GEJ; #LosFeliz; The fire has grown to approximately 4 acres, as firefighters continue to attack by ground and air, a response which has now been classified as a "Major Emergency." Griffith Observatory has now been evacuated and Park Rangers are assisting with public safety by keeping hikers from entering the nearby trails. No homes have been evacuated.; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC11 BC2 BC5 CM42 CM52 E11 E20 E220 E227 E235 E27 E29 E290 E35 E41 E52 E56 E61 E76 E82 E86 EM11 EM55 H3 H4 H5 HA3 HA4 HA5 RA35 T20 T27 T35 T90; CH5; 13; Nicholas Prange
