Update Brush Fire 06/12/2018

Update Brush Fire; 05:26PM; 9808 W Portola Dr; internal:/; West Los Angeles; #PortolaFire Acreage: 35-40 Containment: 10% Evac Order: No change from last alert. Interactive Google map available on our Facebook and @LAFD twitter channels and https://www.lafd.org/news/portola-fire Fire is moving west to east with winds at 9MPH. We have over 250 LAFD firefighters assigned to both ground and air crews. There are 5 water dropping helicopters on scene and 4 fixed wing aircraft. Firefighters are making good progress and have prevented damage to any structures. No injuries reported. We will move into the night time operational period at 8PM; FS 99; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; Margaret Stewart
